Monday, February 9, 2015

Humpback Whale Tail, Monterey Bay, Moss Landing, California, USA

Well there is nothing overly spectacular about this shot other than being able to see these magnificent creatures in their world.  I went down for a week to Monterey Bay and stayed in Moss Landing at the KOA.  It was about as convenient of a place to stay to the whale watching boats as you can find.  I went out on several but Blue Ocean Whale Watching was the best.

I have always wanted to get a shot like this.  I got several that day and of course I am not satisfied with any.  I want a perfect shot... not sure there is such a thing.  Shooting from a boat is a bit tricky with a large zoom lens.  It magnifies the movement of the boat in a huge way.  I shot this with a Nikon  80-400 AFS.  I was not as impressed with this lens as I thought I would be.

I have another thing to tell you about this trip.  It was the first with the new Nikon D810 and was I ever excited.  I had a couple of days shooting and all went well.  However, there is limited room on the boats and I wanted to be good guy so I took the side bags off my main camera bag.  Those side bags made the overall case where it would not roll over unless you picked it up and put it on the other side.  

I came out of the trailer and set my coat and camera on the pick nick table and turned to lock the vehicle when heard a very sickening sound of camera and lens rolling off the table to the concrete below.  I was sick.  I opened the camera bag (LowePro 75 - I think) and the lens was fine.. however it broke the lens off the camera body and the lens mount.  So the camera body was toast until Nikon could replace the front of the body and lens mount.  I tried to be a professional about it but I was so ticked off.  The Nikon 810 was only 34 days old - ugggghh.  I pulled myself together and grabbed a Nikon D800 back up body, switched lens and rushed off to meet the boat.  It was not even a good day to see whales.  I should have stayed in bed!

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P.S. This is also one of the miniature desk prints on aluminum that I am selling on Amazon - picture is a link.  It looks great on a desk. I have given several of these to people that work in cubicles to brighten their work space.

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